Rules & Regulations

Entry Forms:

  • Please complete all entry forms, hotel rooming lists, and summary of purchases.
  • All participants, competitors and guests must sign the release form accompanying the entry form.

Payment Policy:  25% deposit of the total charges, including entry fees and packages for each student, teacher, and spectator, by the deadline date in order to secure reservations.

Personal Hotel Room Charges: The organizers cannot be held responsible for personal charges made at the hotel.

Seating Reservations:  Table reservations will be allocated to package holders with preferential seating determined by the arrival date of        the entries.  Superior seating will be allocated to those on Full Convenience A packages.

Cancellation and Refund Policies for Packages and Entries:

  • Paid entries received by deadline & cancelled by October 5th will receive a full refund.
  • Entries received by the deadline and cancelled after October 18th will be charged a $100 cancellation fee
  • Cancellations must be submitted to the organizers in the form of a letter requesting a refund,
  • NO refunds will be given for cancellations made after October 22nd.
  • All entry refunds due (those that are cancelled by October 18th) will be made within 30 days following the conclusion of the event.
  • Package cancellations received after October 18th will be charged a $200 cancellation fee. The balance of the package will be refunded 30 days from the date the organizer receives the hotel master account
  • Entries not refunded due to late cancellation will be counted toward top teacher awards for the teacher.
  • Legitimate and unavoidable cancellations after October 22nd will have entry fees applied to the following “Grand Nationals”.

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